Monday, December 31, 2012

December favorites

Hadley and Hudosn often have to compromise on what TV show they watch. Hadley is into all girly stuff and Hudson really only wants Diego, Cars, Curious George, or any superhero movie. Therefore, there are times when one gets the TV and one gets the iPad. They still always want to sit right by each other though!

I took the kids to the mall to play and eat lunch and here is my little superhero lunch date eating some chick-fil-a. I think I may love his capes more than he even does.

I will still take a picture of my sleeping babies anytime I get a chance. She is just too sweet for words!

Aunt E got Hadley and Hudson new t-shirts and Hadley loved hers. She wanted to take a picture for E in it with both a thumbs up and a "go pokes."

I got to go eat lunch at school with Hadley again and afterwards I watched her color with all the kids in her class. I really wish I could eat lunch with her everyday! It is so much fun to sit in a classroom of 5-year-olds and listen to their conversations. The best part is the reaction I get when I get there. The kids are usually on the playground and so I wait in the classroom until they come inside. When Hadley walks in the door and notices me she screams, "MOMMY!" and then runs and jumps in my arms. She makes sure to look around and see that all her friends see her mommy is here. We have not hit the "my mommy is embarrassing" stage yet and I will soak this up as long as I can!

We have had some really beautiful sunrises lately which make waking up early a little easier. These next three pictures are from one of those pretty mornings. Too bad I couldn't really capture how pretty it was in person.

Aiden, our elf, was not so crazy this year and didn't create any mischeif. I think he knew Hudson would not leave him alone and that mommy and daddy really weren't excited to clean up a lot of messes yet! Maybe next year he will be a little more ornery. He did decide to go rock climbing one morning and both Hadley and Hudson thought it was hilarious!

We had the Chesapeake medical Christmas party at our house and even with a house full of people, it went great. It helps that they just cater Ted's every year so there wasn't much for me to have to get ready. We were basically in charge of alcohol and desserts. 

Hadley and Hudson stayed for the first 30 minutes of the party because one of the other dentists was needing to bring his son and wanted him to have someone to play with. It didn't take long for me to call my parents to pick them up so I could concentrate on making sure everyone had everything they needed. They were so sweet and sat on the fireplace eating chips and drinking coke (so, of course, they were good)!

This is Cooper and he is a couple weeks younger than Hudson. They were so cute together and shared their toys so well. It was really hard to geth them to both look for a picture though...

Playing peek-a-boo with his blocks. He would yell "HI!" as loud as he could and then continued to do this for another 100 times.


Hadley made a plate for Nana for Christmas and I was so amazed at what a great job she did. She literally did the entire thing by herself with no help other than spelling the words. She knew exactly what she wanted to draw and I had no idea she even knew how to draw a Christmas tree!

I was picking up the mess of toys in the house one day and had the back door open so the dogs could come in and out. Hudson would go outside, play in his sandbox, and come back in. At one point I noticed he had gotten daddy's pillow off his bed, carried it outside, and laid it down in the yard. Hmmm, daddy would love to know this!

Hadley had a playdate with Grayson, one of her friends from school, and another one of Grayson's friends. Emily (Grayson's mom) sent me this cute picture of the girls playing dress-up and eating lunch. 

Getting Hudson ready for bed and Hadley picked up my phone to take this picture. I love when she says, "Oh, mommy. Stay there. This is such a cute picture."

Hudson's 4th haircut and he is finally getting a little better and doesn't scream hysterically. We do have to distract him from the other crying kids with the tv though...

We were at Erin's house for the Holloman Christmas party and I went in her bedroom to find Hudson playing in the dog kennel. He was not thrilled that found him either.

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