Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning

This was, by far, the best Christmas morning I have ever experienced! It was a little different that I had planned since we have two kids on totally different schedules but it worked out perfectly. Hadley has always been our early riser and typically wakes up about 6:30 where Hudson has always slept late and wakes up about 9:30. We knew there was no way of waiting that long to come downstairs but we also knew Hudson would be a disaster if we made him wake up that early and we had a long day ahead of us. So we decided on letting Hadley see her Santa gifts and stocking when she woke up and then we would wait until Hudson woke up to open up the rest of the presents. I loved it because we got to focus on each kid and see their all their reactions to what Santa got them. We also got some great videos of each.

Hadley is our practical child when it comes to Santa gifts. In the past she has asked for a booster seat, suitcase, and this year...a nightgown as a few of her gifts. Santa had a pretty easy time with her this year when all she wanted was a Rapunzel dress, Rapunzel nightgown, and a Brave doll. After quickly moving on from looking at her gifts from Santa she was even more excited for her stocking. She got a new necklace and lots of new earrings. She couldn't even wait 5 seconds to put her new cross earrings in.

Hudson finally woke up about 9:00 and Hadley was so excited to walk him downstairs. He had no idea what was going on but was pretty happy to turn the corner and see all his new presents. He really didn't care much about his stocking but was ready to tear into his presents. Hadley didn't waste any time either. She had been so patient while waiting for Hudson and before we knew it she had already opened a couple while Hudson was looking at what Santa had brought him.

Hudson was once again so excited and screamed, "Yay!" with each present. Makes it so much fun to see these smiles.

Hadley was quick to try on some of her new clothes and shoes and Hudson was content playing with all his new trains.

Presents were all opened, trash was thrown away, and we had the rest of the morning to enjoy relaxing as a family by the fire. I was able to think about how blessed we have been and we cuddled our babies with nothing else to do! We played with new toys until naptime and then got everything ready for more presents at Mama and Papa's house. 

And this is why it was my favorite Christmas morning. I never could have imagined how amazing it would be to experience the excitement of Santa through my children. They love their presents and Hadley is to the age that she is really appreciative of everything she got. She reminded us several times that it was Jesus' birthday and thought it was so cool that she got presents on His birthday. This was the first year Hudson fully participated in everything we did and it only made me more excited for years to come!

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