Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Days

We had been told for several days that we were about to have quite a winter storm. You just never know with Oklahoma weather and people did not take the warning lightly. The grocery stores were cleared out and people prepared to be in their homes for days! On Thursday I was off work and Hudson and I were hanging out at home when we looked outside to see some flurries coming down. They slowly got larger and more dense and about 2:00 I decided I would just go ahead and go get Hadley from school. First of all, I didn't trust it would last long and I wanted her to get to play in the snow and second, if it did last I didn't really want to drive on crummy roads. As soon as we pulled in the garage Hadley jumped out of the car and started dancing in the snow. I had my camera close by to catch a couple cute pictures of the kids. Hudson wasn't a big fan and only lasted a few minutes and as much as Hadley liked it she only stayed out for about 10 more minutes. 

Warming up inside:

So the snow continued and the next morning we woke up to quite a bit of snow in our backyard. Even was cancelled! Hadley was quick to want to have a snowball fight but the snow was really dry and hard to pack. So instead she ran around the yard, swung on her swingset, did cartwheels, and came in about 30 minutes later with an ice cold nose and frozen fingertips. Hudson decided he would just watch from inside the house and didn't seem to be jealous at all of all the fun she was having. 

I love these pictures of pure joy!

Tasting the snow...

As we tried to let our bodies thaw we made some hot chocolate and played a game of Chutes and Ladders. This was turning out to be a pretty perfect day!

Hudson finally decided he wanted to go outside but only because he wanted to ride on his "go-cart" in the snow. Surprisingly, it rode quite well and he didn't even complain about being cold as he rode down the street. I, on the otherhand, was pretty sure I was going to die of frostbite! Not only was it cold but it was windy and a mere 13 degrees.

E and Tim rode up on their Razor to give Hudson a ride. He thought it was pretty fun going over snow dunes and driving fast. But the poor guy was done when he got back. He melted down and decided he was ok with not playing in the snow ANY more!

Because there is nothing to do but eat and watch movies on a snow day that is pretty much all we did. We made cookies, iced them, and the kids ate about 4 a piece. I don't even want to admit what I probably ate!

Hadley's friend, Charlotte, moved in our neighborhood which became  really convenient when we all started getting a little stir-crazy. Charlotte ended up coming over to our house where the girls played for hours. Charlotte is such a sweet little girl and so easy to have around.

As I was taking Hudson to bed I noticed this cool icicle hanging off one of our Christmas lights. The lights illuminated it and I thought it looked really pretty but it actually looked much better in person.

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