Saturday, December 7, 2013

Gingerbread houses

I really wanted to decorate gingerbread houses this year because we never have before. However, I still was worried that Hudson wasn't quite old enough and I anticipated Hadley working really hard on hers, Hudson being a little rough and messing the house up, and everyone ending up in tears. I was excited when I went to Target and saw a "gingerbread village." It consisted of 4 small houses with plenty of stuff to decorate them. After meeting Santa Peyton came to our house with us and we got all set up to decorate our "village." Mama and Papa even came over to help because I thought I would have to spend a little extra time helping Hudson. Oh, and these weren't pre-assembled houses. We actually had to put them together (another reason I wanted some help!) 

The kids did great and had such a good time. Hadley and Peyton were able to do most of it by themselves and I was amazed at how patient and gentle Hudson was. He was very particular about how he wanted his house and with only one tube of icing to pass around he was very good at waiting his turn. Hadley and Peyton each had their own plan as well and all three houses turned out so cute. Mama and Papa did most of the assisting while I took the pictures. 

Love this patiently waiting boy!

I wasn't able to even get a picture of Peyton with her finished product before she tore into it! The girls wasted no time eating theirs but Hudson wouldn't let anyone touch his. He put it up on the counter top and loved walking by and looking at his house.

Hadley with her finished product.

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