Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 was SO good to us!

This has been an incredible year, so much that I feel I can't even put it into words. We haven't had a lot of changes this year but instead have been able to grow as a family and really enjoy our time together. But here is a SMALL recap:

Hadley finished up preschool last year and we made the finalized decision to enroll her at Crossings Christian School for kindergarten and here on after. We absolutely LOVE the school and she does too! The faculty is amazing, loving, and I feel so safe sending her to school each day. She started Kindergarten in August and is doing great. She loves to play with friends and is learning to read. She wants to play with a friend everyday and is definitely our social butterfly. I told Matt it already worries me that she may never want to be home! She does not like to watch tv but still wakes up at 6:30 so it is go, go, go from then until bedtime. She is still so girly and loves dressing up, painting her nails, and curling her hair. But she also plays about every sport imaginable and loves to be outside playing with her daddy. This year she has done hip hop, played soccer, basketball, tball, golf, and cheer. At this very moment she would probably say cheer and basketball are her favorite. Hadley has such a tender heart and just loves everybody. In January Nana went home to be with Jesus after 100 years! It broke Hadley's heart and she still talks and asks about her so often. Then in August Mama fell and broke her hip and Hadley was the only one in the house when it happened. She wanted to be at the hospital everyday and was really concerned about Mama being ok. She is so sweet to her brother...ALL the time! I mean, this is something I really can't explain. The kid literally would do ANYTHING for him. It never fails that the second she begins to play with a toy he has an absolute fit for that exact one. She gladly gives it to him even if we tell her not to. She lets him win every race, take his pick first, and watch whatever tv show he wants. She is a dream of a big sister...and daughter! Six has been such an awesome age!!!

Hudson is still wild! He is the absolute opposite in that he LOVES to watch tv and we actually have to limit it at times. He loves Dino Dan, Monster's inc, Despicable Me, Yo Gabba Gabba, and many others. And he is a sleeper! Not so much at naps but at night. We can put him down about 8:30 and he will sleep until about 10. Sometimes as early as 9 and sometimes as late as noon or 1. It is actually pretty great because when he wakes up he is still his pretty needy phase. However, I am anticipating lots of trouble when he has to start waking up for school in a couple years. Hudson is learning to talk much better and though he still leaves off the first syllable often he is pretty good at helping us figure it out if we need help. Used to he would get so frustrated but he is doing much better at staying calm and giving us clues. He has absolutely no desire to potty train and I think we may need to start enforcing it soon! He loves his diaper and though Im ready for undies I worry about how we will get pants to stay up on him. He is still super skinny though he is growing everyday. At only 27 lbs he can still wear 18-24 month clothes though his jeans are all too short. Hudson is definitely tempermental! He has hit the terrible threes and can throw the strongest, most strong willed tantrum you'll ever see. We have to be very creative with our parenting and it is a struggle at times. I really think he is so smart that he just knows how to work us and does his best at it. But when we arent having a "moment" he is so loving, cuddly, and sweet. He loves his sister and though he doesn't give into her and always wants his way, he is always sad when he wakes up and she is not here or when she has a friend and he doesn't get to play with them. At three years old Hudson loves cars, trains, dinosaurs, throwing and kicking balls, and all superheros. He is about as boy as they come which makes life so much fun!

Matt is still busy with his practice and its going great. I think it wont be long before he will be able to be at only one office but he's managing so far. He got a new assistant that seems to be adjusting well and after 6.5 years of practicing they have a pretty great system. He loves playing golf but doesnt get out as much as I am sure he would like. We have OSU tickets but for now he seems to be the only one that makes it up there. Hopefully, within the next year we can all go more often. Best of all, I think Matt is loving all the sports with Hadley. He is outside with her practicing and playing and I love to watch them play together. He is crazy about our kids!!!

I am now working 2 1/2 days instead of 3 and I LOVE it! I am only working one day at the jail and have picked up a day at another pedo office which has made me love my job even more. Its just a miracle that I havent shown up at the wrong office yet. I love all the activities with the kids right now and dont miss our down time at all! Both of the kids love to be on the go so it is fun for us to all get out and about with the whole family. I love my girl time with Hadley as well as my time with Hudson while Hadley is at school. I am learning a lot about boys and its an adventure! Matt and I try to make sure we make time for each other a well, if its just a movie, dinner, or tv on the couch. Life is crazy right now and we wouldn't have it any other way.

We feel so blessed by 2013 and cant wait to see what 2014 holds!

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