Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hadley's 7th Birthday Party

Hadley decided on a swim party for her 7th birthday! She was so excited to have it at the Rose Creek pool which actually made the planning super easy for me. You can't bring in anything but the cake and cookies and everything else has to be purchased through them. They even decorate for the most part. So we showed up with our cake, took some pictures, and waited for her friends to arrive!

I look at this picture and it is so hard to believe she is 7!!! Such a beautiful girl, inside and out. 


I just LOVED her cake. The lady, Kristi, that we use for cakes never disappoints me!


Blowing me a kiss:


Grace was the first one to arrive and it was hard to keep Hadley out of the water before others came.

Hadley, Story, and Grace:

Hadley and Ashlynn:

We got a pretty great day for a party. Not too hot for the end of June and they had an oversized tent set up that helped everyone with the shade as well.

Little stinker got into the cookies early on...

It took Buck just a little bit to warm up and then he ended up LOVING the pool!

Matt sat in at the bottom of the slides to help the girls as they came out if they needed it:

Lots more pictures of Hadley with her friends:

Time for pizza, cake, singing, and presents. It was so windy and we couldn't get the candles to stay lit so Hadley just pretended to blow them out. The girls thought it was so funny!

Baby Jake's first family birthday party:

Hudson's little friend, Duncan (Mary Beth's brother):

Every kids favorite part of a birthday party.... I love that the kids are just as excited to give their presents as Hadley is to get them. She got great gifts this year and was so thankful and appreciative of each one!

Such a fun party. Definitely one of my easiest I've thrown but I think one of Hadley's favorites! We had a great time with lots of friends and families. Another year down and another year that has gone too quickly. We love you, Hadley, and had such a fun time celebrating you today!

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