Sunday, June 29, 2014

Big Month for Hudson

Hudson has had lots of big changes lately! After getting back from Florida we decided to go ahead and take down his crib and put him in a big boy bed. He doesn't like to sleep alone and either does Hadley so ever since he has slept in his bed they have slept together. It has been SO sweet to watch them together and even see them cuddling at night. He has done a really great job at not getting up at night but unfortunately he is waking up much earlier now! I have actually grown to like it because we can now do stuff in the mornings rather than waiting until he gets up at 11. And finally, Hadley and Hudson are on the same schedule. You can see in a couple pictures that the early wake up took quite a toll on him for the first few days until he got used to it and learned to take naps again. So watching him turn into a little boy but its sure makes me a little more than sad to see no more cribs in our house. It's a phase I am glad to be out of but one I wouldn't have ever been completely ready to be finished with. 

And some other big news....Hudson is potty trained!!!! It took us waiting until HE was ready but it happened as soon as he was ready. He decided one day he wanted to wear underwear, had one accident, and has been great since. He did have one more accident at the lake when he was playing and waited just a little too long but other than those two he has been accident free!! He doesn't even tell us when he is going, he just walks in and does it all by himself. I guess it makes it worth it to wait until he was ready!

Love this tiny bum in his big boy undies!

We did promise snocones for each day that he used the potty all day. Had we known it would be as easy as it was we maybe wouldn't have taken this route! However, he really only cared about them for the first few days and then he was done with it.

So proud!!!

A little golf after getting sno cones. He wanted to look just like daddy with a hat and golf shirt.

After 6.5 years of diapers with only a 1 year break in the middle, we are diaper free in this house! Definitely won't be missed as much as the crib...

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