Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hadley is 7!!!

How could it be?!?! Our precious Hadley Brooke is 7 years old! I feel like I still remember the day she was born but also can hardly remember life without her. 

Hadley's birthday fell on Saturday this year making it really special for her to have everyone home. She asked if her birthday could be on a Saturday next year and I had to explain why it didn't work that way. Her day started by waking up with Sloan to help her celebrate. They came downstairs and saw a table of presents and a big cookie cake for the afternoon. Matt and Drew were still playing in their golf tournament and finishing up around noon so all the kids and I had plans to go to the lake for the day and the Dads would meet us there afterwards. Erin, Tim, Jake, Lolly, Pops, Mama, and Papa were coming to celebrate the birthday girl as well.

Only seven but sure looking so grown up...and extra tan in her neon yellow dress!

Jumping for joy!!! The girls were so excited to get loaded up and head to the lake. We were out of the house by 8:30 and on our way...

The four-wheelers were a huge hit once again. They rode for hours, played outside in the sand, and played on the swingset while waiting for the guys to the lake and put the boats in the water.

Love this picture of these two!

Beautiful Birthday Girl!

After the guys showed up we ate lunch (Mama had made a great brisket for everybody), opened presents, sang Happy Birthday, and ate some cookie cake.


After eating lunch and playing with her presents for a little bit, Hadley was excited to get on the boat with her daddy! Hudson stayed back with me while Matt, Drew, Hadley, Sloan, and Davis went out on the seadoo boat. Hadley seemed to be on cloud 9 all day and she made the day so much fun!

All conked out from her birthday celebration at the lake. Hadley had her goggles on and was clearly asleep but whenever Sloan would ask her if she was sleeping she would barely wake up and say, "No, I'm just resting my eyes for a minute." Poor girl just didn't want to miss  ANY of her big day!

Hadley Brooke,
    You are the most incredible daughter we could have ever been blessed with. You have the biggest, most sensitive heart of gold and you are an absolute joy ALL the time! You have more energy and zest for life than I could ever imagine having and something I definitely admire in you. I could be around you every minute of the day with not a moment of boredom.  You have made a wonderful group of friends and I think they are so lucky to have you as a friend. You are so  loyal and faithful to all of your friends and family. You love to talk about God and when asked what you are thankful for you said, "That God made me and is in my heart." We learn so much from you everyday and I must be one of the proudest moms alive because I smile so big and my heart skips a beat when I think of how lucky we are to have you in our lives!

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