Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hadley's birthday party #2~

Only 3 days later and this girl is excited for another party. We planned a day at the lake with family and friends for Hadley's 2nd party. We drove down early Sunday morning to get everything ready before everyone started arriving at 1pm. And unfortunately, I let myself down by not getting any pictures of it all set up! Mama was so great in helping me for this party. She got everything ready for the hamburgers and hotdogs and she decorated the house with streamers, picture frames of hadley, candy, was so cute and I have no pictures of any of it! I didn't even remember to get a picture of Hadley's cookie cake so I only have the picture I took when I first picked it up. Oh well, its the memories that count!

Daddy, Papa, and Ryan got it all set up and we went down to the dock to "fish" for a minute. Hudson got a fishing pole about a week ago and has been dying to try it out. We didn't have any bait so we ended up just getting a little practice instead!

Afterwards we changed into our swimsuits and took a little boat ride before everyone arrived. We had to kill some time because the birthday girl was just TOO excited!

And then, everyone started arriving. We had quite a crowd. Mama, Papa, Lolly, Pops, E's family, Ryans family,  Pfenningers, Robertsons, Pruetts, Bests, Brooklyn, and Roman all came to celebrate the birthday girl! Papa grilled the hotdogs and hamburgers while everyone played.

As soon as everyone had arrived and eaten we all got on the boat for some tubing. All the kids were great at taking turns and everyone even wanted Hadley to go first since it was her birthday. We only decided we needed a few more boats for how many kids were there!

A couple hours of tubing later we came inside to open gifts and eat some cookie cake. Hadley got some great gifts...clothes, shopkins, workout clothes, shoes, new rollerskates, books, etc.

We finished eating cake and people were wearing out a bit. But before everyone left we had one more surprise....a waterballoon fight! We filled up 360 balloons, the girls got on one side and the boys on the other, and the fight began. It was so funny to watch little kids in a water balloon fight. Typically the balloons fell short of the person they were aiming for but at least they still got splashed with water. There were lots of laughs and screaming and it ended up being more fun than anticipated. I think the kids were a little disappointed when the balloons were gone!

The crew of girls jumping off the dock in celebration!

One more trip out on the water before everyone left. Hadley drove the boat, the kids tubed some more, and then Hudson fell asleep coming in from everyone tubing. Such a fun birthday and hopefully we will do it again soon. Happy 8th birthday, Hadley....again!


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