Thursday, June 13, 2013

Vacation Bible School

Hadley went to her second year of Vacation Bible school at Crossings. The theme was Faith on Fire and focused on heros in the community, particularly firefighters. With over 800 attending children it was complete chaos at drop off. However, Hadley had so much fun each day and couldn't wait to go back. She learned so many new songs and made lots of new friends. It was so fun to drop her off and hear her yelling names of kids I had never met as we walked down the hall. On the final day of VBS they had a closing ceremony where all the parents were invited to watch them perform songs and hear about the week. They showed a video of all the fun activities they got to do. Hadley was so excited to see Hudson, me, and Mama in the audience and made sure to point us out to all her friends! Hudson was so good and cheered her on the entire time.

The theme song was "I'm a soldier in the Army of the Lord" hence the camo sunglasses:

How cute is she with her big smile as she spotted us?

View of the 5 and 6 year olds.

I mainly took video of her singing her songs so this is the only picture I got of her singing. However, as always, she was full of energy and didn't leave out any of the motions!

Just a few of the projects she brought home from the week:

I believe I have said that Vacation Bible school brings back so many good memories of my childhood. It is so fun to watch Hadley experience the same joy that I had during those weeks.

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