Friday, June 28, 2013

Tennis camp

A couple weeks ago Matt and I took the kids out to the tennis courts in hopes of them running around while we played. Instead, Hudson wanted to chase the balls but Hadley wanted to play along with us. We realized how close she was to being able to hit the ball and how much fun it could be if we could all go out and play together. So the next day I started looking online for tennis lessons and found a week long tennis camp put on by Discover Tennis. I signed her up and called LaNeale and my brother to see if Holland and Peyton would want to take lessons as well. So we bought tennis racquets and were ready for camp a few days later. 

First day of camp. Hadley looked SO cute in her tennis outfit! It may get the outfit that keeps her interested in tennis...

These next pictures are from the last day of camp. All three girls really did very well and are much better at making contact with the ball. I would love to sign her up for another camp and may do so towards the end of the summer (as long as its not 110 degrees outside)!

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