Monday, June 24, 2013

Last T-ball game

Our 1st t-ball season has come to an end. The Purple Pixies had such a great season and for everyone's first time playing we did pretty awesome! The girls picked it up so fast and every single one of them loved playing. With so much rain this spring we had several games cancelled and ended up having 8 games to play in the last 2 weeks! It was quite exhausting but we are still so sad to not be going out to the ball fields anymore. 

We are so proud of Hadley and how much effort she put in to each game. There were many games where she would be at a camp all day and then go straight to a game. She would nap in the car and still be full of energy and ready to go as soon as we got there. She ran her hardest, played her hardest, but most importantly, she had fun. She wore many smiles and giggled with the opposing team when they would end up on her base. She loved when they won a game but cared more about the snack tickets at the end of the game to get upset if they lost. She had tagged a couple girls out when she played second base (her favorite) and she thinks that was her biggest accomplishment. She is still proud to tell people about those outs when people ask her how much she liked t-ball. So it was a successful season and one that made her want to play again next year. 

Here are some pictures of our last game:

Hadley's first time to play pitcher and she loved it! I, on the other hand, was more worried about her getting hit in the face with a ball since very few kids manage to hit it anywhere other than the pitcher. 

Hadley and her friend from school, Prestyn.

The girls getting a "good job" talk from their coach, Bary.

Their favorite part of the game....getting their snack tickets.

These girls are all great friends! So fun to have them all playing t-ball together. Hudson insisted on making his way in to the picture as well.

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