Friday, June 21, 2013

Hadley is 6!

It has, once again, come too fast! 365 days felt like a couple weeks. My  5 year old is now 6 and will be starting Kindergarten in the next couple of months. I am excited to watch this happy, loving 6 year old grow and mature into a young girl even more. She is the light of our lives. This little girl will never be found in a bad mood and is always smiling. She is so unbelievably sweet to her brother and wants to help us do anything she can. It does not matter what toy she is playing with, she will give it up in two seconds if Hudson even whimpers for it. She is always up at 6:30 in the morning, getting herself dressed, and ready to start the day. She still loves to take naps and asks to go to bed when she gets tired. She always wants to make us  happy and if she makes a mistake and we tell her we are disappointed it breaks her heart. We have been amazed this year at what a good athlete she is becoming. She still loves soccer and her coaches have even moved her up into a class of bigger kids so she can be challenged more. She played her first season of t-ball and did so well, getting a couple outs and getting a hit every single time she was up to bat. She took her first tennis lesson and started playing golf. This has been a big year for her! She finished pre-school and is learning to read. I think God has blessed us with the most precious, loving, sweet-natured little girl there ever was. Happy Birthday, Hadley! We love you more than you will ever know.  

I was so sad to have to work on Hadley's birthday and have vowed to not do it again! Of course, you will never see this kiddo sleep past 6:30 but on the one day that I got up extra early, had a cookie cake waiting on the counter and was ready to sing to her before I left for work, she slept in! I left at 7:20 and was so sad that I didn't get to tell her Happy Birthday before I left.

Still asleep:

Kristin sent me a picture of Hadley with her "breakfast!" She said she quickly got over me not being there when she woke up.

I still wanted to plan something special for Hadley so my mom brought her to me at work so we could have lunch together. They picked me up, I rode in the back seat with Hadley, and the three of us went to Chili's. We had so much fun together. Chili's even did a special birthday treat for Hadley and gave her a huge ice cream sundae!

It was rough for Hadley to wait all day for her presents from us. So as soon as Matt and I walked in the door she was standing by the table and ready to open.

Mama and Papa came over to celebrate the birthday girl and give her too many presents...

Abby and Katie drove up from Ft. Worth and we all went to the pool together. It worked out perfectly that Rose Creek had their family pool night with lots of activities and food. I think Hadley thought it was a party for her! The weather was great and we all had such a fun time celebrating the birthday girl.

Here they are doing a candy walk:

Happy 6th birthday, Hadley! Please don't let this next year go as fast as the last!!!

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