Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Another Father's day and we get to celebrate the three most important men in our lives! We had a big day planned with Matt and my dad at the lake but first we started out the day at home. Hadley and I were up early and the boys slept in (the perfect gift for daddy). When he got up the kids were so excited to give him his gift... a swingbyte that measures your golf swing, speed, and accuracy. He played with it for a bit and then we all got ready and packed up the car to head to the lake. After a few weeks of cleanup we were excited to spend a weekend just relaxing and getting some sun. 

A picture of my kids with the best daddy:

Buck giving me a stinker-face. I get this look a lot!

The water was so warm and the weather was perfect. There was very little wind and the kids loved playing in the water for hours. This was Hudson's first time in the lake this year and he wanted to hold on to daddy right at first:

It only took a few minutes before he started venturing away from daddy:

The girls ran straight in the water, splashing and giggling. The water was soooo brown from the recent rains and so I turned a lot of the pictures black/white because I felt like they just looked a little better. Hoping for some bluer water soon.

Hudson was not too thrilled when Papa took off on the seadoo with out him. He held his hands out and cried, "Papa back" until he was out of sight. If Papa had only heard him he would have gladly turned right back around!

The house is looking pretty good again. The trees have been hauled away and other than the boat dock walkway still sitting in the yard, it is just about complete.

Love this picture of these two! It is very rare that I can convince them to stop playing long enough to pose for a picture...

And I love this tiny hiney as well!

Hadley and Peyton jumping off the dock together. Only about a month ago this dock was on dry land. So thankful for some big rains. Only 5.5 more feet to go before we are back up to the normal lake level.

His tough boy face:

Bo got really excited each time he would run into the water. This particular time he just didn't slow down fast enough and plowed Hudson over. Hadley was quick to rescue Hudson and it was so sweet to see her lift him out of the water and give him a big hug.

I told him to be tough and show me he's a big boy. He quicky showed me his giant muscles!

One last picture before leaving for the day. Hudson eating his bowl of ice cream while sitting outside. I love that little pot-belly and those puppy dog eyes.

We had a great Father's Day and are so thankful for all the wonderful Dads in our life!

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