Saturday, June 29, 2013

June Pool days

With lots of warm weather, though this is the coolest summer we have had in a while, we have spent many afternoons and evenings at the pool. Our neighborhood pool has a great beach entry to it that makes watching the kids swim so easy. Matt and I are usually able to sit by the side of the pool and Hudson knows his limits of how far he can go. It also helps to have 5-6 lifeguards at one time. Here are some pictures of a few of our pool visits in the month of June.

This was the morning after a torrential rain the night before. It was a terrible idea to go to the pool because it was freezing! The kids didn't seem to mind but still spent most of the morning eating snacks beside the water and shooting their water guns at each other. 

The rest of the pictures are from some warmer days!

With one more month until school starts we plan on being at the pool a lot more. It is such a good way to wear the kids out and get them ready for bed!

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