Saturday, June 24, 2017

Hadley leaves for K-Kountry

Year two of Kanakuk K-Kountry. Hadley is so excited for another fun week at camp and thankfully she has fewer nerves this year about leaving and getting homesick. Packing the trunk was a little easier and going to bed last night was easier as well. She woke up happy and ready to go!  I can't believe its only 1 week and I can still hardly stand her being gone that long! I'm so excited for her to have a fun week and I know it just helps in her spiritual growth as well as personal growth but we sure do miss her. 

We drove to Remington Park and my stomach was a ball of nerves. Lottie was one of the first faces we saw and Hadley ran up for a big hug. They jumped on the bus, claimed their seats, and got all situated.

Then it was back off the bus for pictures, saying goodbyes, lots of hugs, and waiting on the rest of the campers to arrive.

Hudson and Jake were there to see their big siblings off to camp! Next year is Hudson's turn and he can't wait!

One last hug for his big sister before she boards the bus. And this little guy just didn't handle it well. He loves her like crazy. He completely terrorizes her and they have their fair share of fights but he misses her when she's gone, he still sleeps in the same room with her, and he loves to cuddle on the couch with her. He was all smiles until it really hit she was leaving. He waved goodbye to her on the bus and then was in my arms sobbing that she was leaving. Of course, this brought me to tears as well. I kept telling him.... "its only 6 days!" I already can't wait to see her again!

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