Friday, June 16, 2017

Faith Bible Church VBS

Sloan and Davis have been in town this week before going to Kanakuk. Faith Bible Church's Vacation Bible School fell this week as well so Lolly signed all the kids up to attend. None of the kids could go on Monday so they all started on Tuesday. It was a great week and they put on a wonderful VBS! The theme was "Victory in Christ" and it was also sports related which was fun. They all seemed to have a great time. The kids loved getting to play all week after camp each day and it was fun to get to spend time with our Florida cousins. On Wednesday night Faith put on a great family night of water inflatables, food, and fun for the families to get a taste of what they had been learning about that week. I love that even with all the kids being in different classes, Hadley and Hudson still loved going. They made new friends and really branched out. They handle new environments so well and I sometimes take for granted how well they go with the flow!

These next two pictures deserve an explanation. Hudson gets attached to people. He loves everyone he meets and opens up his heart to them. So the end of a school year, the end of a camp, and the last time he knows he will see someone is always so hard on him. He gave his sweet VBS teacher a hug before leaving. He then came to me crying and saying how much he would miss her. He went back for another hug, told her how much he loved her, and cried on her shoulder. In no time he had her crying, me crying, and it was just the sweetest moment. I love how Hudson made her feel like her week of volunteering was totally worth it. She touched his life and I am sure he touched hers as well.

We got such a great picture of these kids together! Afterwards we all ate lunch together at Hideaway and celebrated a fun week. Sloan and Davis are leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks at Kanakuk. We've had a great time having them here.

Hadley got a little early birthday celebration with her cousins. Somehow she always manages to spread her birthday out over a couple weeks! :)

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