Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Seaside - Day 5

This was one of my favorite days of the week. It was really busy and we never rested for a second but we had so much fun. We started the day going to Gulf World Marine park in Panama City for the girls to swim with the dolphins. Ryan had made the reservation several months back but we waited to surprise the girls right before the trip. Thankfully there was a lot for the boys to do as well and we all had a great time. 
Checking in. We waited in a quick line and the kids were able to watch all kinds of water animals swimming around while we waited. 

Once we were inside, there was all kinds of wildlife for us to see. There was a huge aquarium with sharks and turtles, and cages with birds, snakes, and so much more.

It was soon time for the girls to go to their dolphin show. We all got in the stands and they had it just set up for people swimming with the dolphins. They did a quick demo and had the girls come out to learn more. It was so fun to watch them and though they didn't get all the time we expected, they still had so much fun! Hadley said she would love to do it again. I was definitely worried Hudson would be jealous and want to do it but I don't think he could have cared less. He kept saying he was nervous for Hadley!

The girls were all smiles after they were done swimming. We got changed back into our clothes and went back into the arena to watch the dolphin show. It was fun for the kids to see all the dolphin tricks but I think they were starting to get antsy and tired. 

We took one more look at the stingrays and the boys got to pet them before we left. It was such a fun morning and I can't wait until Hudson's old enough to have a turn swimming with the dolphins too!

These are the pictures from the professional photographer. I LOVE the pics of the girls and dolphin up close. 

After we got home we got a quick bite to eat and everyone was ready to head out to the beach. We knew we didn't have much time before we had to get ready to head to the Hub for the night but we made the most of it. More sand castle building, hole digging, shell searching, and swimming in the water.

Hudson wanted the girls to bury him in the sand and I was a little surprised he didn't panic with all the sand around him. But he loved it and even stayed buried for quite some time. I love the thumbs up picture.

Then daddy was a trooper and let the kids bury him again like last year. It was comical when we attracted several other kids from the beach and they came to help. I believe Matt had sand dumped on his face and in his ears several times....and he may have wished he had never agreed to this!

The little boys were napping so Papa came down to see what was going on and while the girls played, Hudson and Papa searched for shells. This picture of them together is one of my favorite of all times. Hudson adores his Papa.

After a couple hours of fun at the beach we took our sun-kissed kids back to the house to get showered and ready for the Hub. The Hub is an outdoor area where they show sporting events, movies, and every Wednesday night they have family night. You can bring blankets and they have plenty of chairs and bean bags for everyone. There are restaurants lining the grassy area and you can eat while watching the movie. We met the Bakers there and we all had such a great time. The kids may have watched about half of the movie and soon they were up running around and chasing each other. The Hub wasn't here last year when were here but it is definitely a place I'm excited to come back to next time we are here.

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