Friday, October 31, 2014

Grandparents Day

Hadley had her 3rd Grandparents day and Hudson was really excited about his first. It is fun to see them get so excited about the day and so proud to show off the school to their grandparents. Unfortunately, this year Lolly and Pops had gone to Florida for Davis and Ellis' birthday so they weren't able to be there. But Mama and Papa were thrilled to spend the day with the kids and see what they had been learning.

Hudson's grandparents day was on Thursday since he only goes on Tuesday and Thursday. He woke up so happy and ready to go to school. He quickly got dressed and even wanted me to take a picture of him (which doesn't happen often) all dressed up for the day. Mama and Papa joined him at school around noon to see all he had been learning and he was so happy to show them his favorite center...the dinosaurs and cars. The preschool class sang their grandparents some songs they had learned and then gave them a project they had worked on for them. Then, because Crossings always conveniently schedules the book fair for the same week as Grandparents day, Mama and Papa took Hudson to the library to pick out a couple new books for home. He even suckered them into one that comes along with a toy. It was such a special day for Hudson and I'm sure it was special for Mama and Papa too!

Hadley's grandparents day was today, Friday. Hadley is always up early and ready to go to school but, like Hudson, she couldn't wait for today. The day went very similar to Hudson's. Mama and Papa started off in Hadley's classroom where she was able to show them some projects she had been working on throughout the year. Then the teacher talked about all they had been learning and they finished up with some songs they had learned. One of the songs had a line that said something like, "If I could pick a grandma, I would pick you." Then they sang it again with Grandpa. Hadley LOVED that song and was so excited to sing it to them. Again, Mama and Papa took Hadley to the library to pick out a couple books for her collection as well. We are so thankful to have Grandparents that love their grandkids more than anything and will drop whatever they are doing to be with them at any minute!

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