Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hadley's dance recital

It's that time of year for Hadley's Spring Dance recital...her third year. Hadley still likes dance enough to keep taking it but it doesn't seem to be her passion. Which is fine with me...I'm not cut out to be a dance mom though I would jump all in if I needed to! This year she only wanted to take Hip Hop and she loved it. She had to wear a hat with her costume so I didn't have much pressure getting her hair all fixed perfectly. We just curled it and she was able to wear it down. I love how pretty and grown up she is with her curled hair and we took a few pictures before getting dressed and ready to go...

My favorite!

All dolled up and ready to go:

Here is Hudson just THRILLED to be here. He actually was so excited to watch her perform but was NOT excited he had to sit still and not run around the auditorium.  He got a little happier when we showed him the flowers he was going to give Hadley in the end. But what really did the trick is when we pulled out the iPhone and gave him some headphones. This thankfully ended up working throughout most of the recital.

Peyton and I went backstage so she could give Hadley a hug and tell her "good luck." Peyton is such a great cousin to want to go to everything of Hadley's.

I will someday learn to take good pictures inside an auditorium but for now this is the best I could get. Her sweet little smile on stage showed me she was having such a great time. She loves to perform and have the spotlight so the one dance recital they work all year for is definitely worth it. We had to miss the dress rehearsal and the last class of the year due to being in Disneyland so I was a little nervous she may forget something but she nailed it and remembered everything perfectly! So proud of her.

After the recital everyone meets in the lobby for pictures. Needless to say, it is really hectic and hard to get any child to concentrate and cooperate. We got a few pictures but missed getting a couple too! One thing to mention is that we saw Hadley and Hudson's nanny, Julie that was with us from the time Hudson was born until he was 13 months. Hudson has only seen her a couple times since so I had no doubt he wouldn't quite remember who she was. I was so wrong, he ran up to her, jumped into her arms, and hugged her until she let go first. It was so sweet and he was so happy to see her.

Charlotte's sister still had another performance so Lottie came home with us. Here is a picture of the two best friends in class...and another of Hudson photo bombing!

Way to go Hadley! We are so proud of your effort and commitment throughtout the year.

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