Thursday, May 25, 2017

Last Day of School

The last week is always a uniform free week which all the kids love! The last day of school was themed "summer days" and they could wear anything tropical/summery. Hudson's shirt had Hawaiian flowers on it but you can't really see them in the picture. Hadley picked out her own shorts and shirt at the store. 

Its a sad end to the year. They are ready for summer but have really loved their classes and teachers this year. They have had a great year and have learned so much. Hudson's reading has really clicked and he is doing an incredible job. Mrs. Mercer has even had to send home extra work for him to push him a little bit. He has loved school and learning new things. Hadley has done so well, even with how hard we are told 3rd grade is. She loves math and picks it up really easily. She has become a great reader but still doesn't love it. She never complains about homework and always wants to get it done the second she gets home from school so she has the rest of the night free. Her class has been awesome this year with some really great friends and Mrs. Myers has been the sweetest/most caring teacher which is what she needed this year. I'm excited to have more time with them this summer and hoping we can keep some sort of routine so that they continue learning! 

Officially 4th and 1st graders now!

Sad that he realized he will be going 3 months without seeing Mrs. Mercer this summer. He has loved her and holds a special place in his heart.

I completely failed on the last day of school pictures. Its always an overwhelming day but I had offered to take a few of their friends with us so by the time we stopped at chick-fil-a for lunch and made it to the park to meed the rest of the 4th and 1st graders I was exhausted and never even pulled out my phone again! Bummer.

So in words...we went to Quail Creek Park with several other students. Almost all of Hadley and Hudson's friends were there. We ate lunch on picnic blankets and the kids played tag, football, hide-and-go-seek for hours. We all talked about our year and our summer plans. It was such a fun day...a day completely worth taking off work for and one I really don't want to ever miss. I've got so few years left of this and I am soaking it in!

Hudson had his last t-ball game tonight and Hadley had a friend Claire spend the night so she got to go with us to the game. Hudson played great and has really loved t-ball this year. Time to move to coach pitch in the fall!

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