Monday, September 15, 2014

Hudson's 4 year appointment

Hudson finally had his 4 year appointment today...half a month late. I have been dreading this day like no other. I am sure I wrote about it but if you had seen him at his 3 year appointment you would understand why I was so nervous. Last year he didn't even get shots and still he started screaming the second the nurse called his name and didn't quit the entire time. He was a limp noodle when I tried to get him to do anything and they were never even able to get his weight or height. I actually didn't even get to talk to the doctor because he screamed so loud the whole time.
Sooo...I woke up praying for a much better day. We dropped Hadley off at school and I finally told him about the doctor. He said he didn't want to go and cried just a little bit but after a stop at Starbucks for his favorite dessert (at 8:30 in the morning) he cheered up a bit. The entire way there he kept talking about how he can be brave but he wasn't going to talk to anybody!

We got to the appointment a little early and went ahead and checked in. They called us back and while waiting on the exam table he was as happy as could be! He checked out all the equipment and was able to tell me what much of it did. The nurse came in and took his blood pressure, pulse ox, and temperature and he was a complete chatterbox. Oh wait, I thought he wasn't going to talk to anybody! I talked to the doctor about Hudson's strong will and how he can bring me to tears sometimes. He reminded me again what a positive trait this can be and reassured me that he is doing great. Hudson weighs 31 pounds which only puts him in the 7% and is 39 inches or the 30% so he is finally getting a little height on him!

So the doctor walks out and Hudson jumps off the table. He said how fun it was and was walking out the door when the nurse walks in with 4 shots! He sees them in her hands and asks if he needs to get back on the table. She looked at me surprised and said yes. Hudson jumps on the table, a little more hesitant this time, and lays down. THEN...he looks at me and says, "Mommy, this going to pinch?" I told him yes, but he could hold my hand and he did just that. Poor guy took all four shots like a champ but was screaming crying and telling me how bad it hurt by the end. I hated it for him! He was so brave when the doctor scares him to death and apparently these are the worst shots they will ever get. He cried the entire way to the car and was exhausted by the time he was back in his car seat. The shot he got in his right arm is the worst and he held it at 90 degrees for the longest time because he was scared to straighten it!

So what does mommy do? We went to Toys R' Us for a big boy surprise. He picked out a new Optimus Prime and all was better! We went home, played with our new toy and he ended up having a pretty awesome day. He was so excited to call his daddy and tell him how brave he was and how big he had gotten. Can't believe how fast this kid is growing up!

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