Monday, September 1, 2014

Hudson is 4!

FOUR. YEARS. OLD?!?! How??? It absolutely blows my mind that 4 years has come and gone. Yet every day is better than the last and I am so thankful for a wonderful four years. This kiddo has rocked our world. He has challenged us daily and he is the most stubborn and strong-willed child on the planet. BUT along with that he is the most sensitive, loving, cuddly kid there ever was too. He makes me melt daily with his sweet "i love you's" and constant hugs. He is such a stinker to his sister but follows her around like a little shadow as well. He just wants to be grown up so bad and is constantly asking if his muscles are getting bigger or standing up next to a wall to see if he has grown more overnight. He is loving his new school and even wants to walk to class all by himself, yet screams with excitement and runs to jump in my arms when I get there to pick him up. He is crazy about his daddy and thinks his daddy is the strongest man in the world. He even has specific golf outfits that he insists on wearing when doing things with his daddy. Hudson still loves cars and trucks but has developed a bigger love for superheros and transformers. He specifically loves Batman the most. He loves to play golf with the family and likes to play outside. He isn't quite as much of a tv junkie anymore but if we ever need him to calm down with his energetic personality, we can typically find a movie to steal his attention. We love him so very much and his sister adores him. Happy Birthday, Hudson Jake Holloman

Hadley was up early with us as we all waited for Hudson to wake up. At the first sign of him stirring we grabbed the camera and I made my way upstairs to greet the birthday boy. It was almost as if he had forgotten and was so excited when we reminded him. He quickly got embarrased and we had to put the camera down until he got downstairs and in front of his presents. He could barely contain himself as he quickly opened each one with so much excitement. Surprisingly, he even get excited about the new clothes I had bought him!

He's been looking through Halloween catalogs for a month and LOVED the policeman, fireman, and Batman. Since he loves to dress up so much and has more toys than he needs I figured they would be great gifts. Unfortunately, I forgot that the police outfit was from my mom and we had him unwrap it before they even got to our house. But he was so excited to try it on and had trouble waiting until he got through all is gifts!

More switch-n-go dinos to add to his collection! Now they make mini dinos and he was pretty pumped to see he got his first one.

And these last presents show his love for all things involving dragons. The first present is a dragon that breathes smoke. The next two are from "How to train your dragon" movie that is one of his favorites. They came from Hadley and he gave her the biggest hug to tell her thank you!

After Hudson had opened his presents he immediately jumped down to put on his police costume. He looked so adorable! And truely thought he was a junior police officer. He wore it to the donut shop for some breakfast donuts and then we came home to play "Police." We all spent a couple hours getting arrested by Hudson and thrown in jail (or the wine room). He would then make us guess the secret password/phrase which typically went something like "Hudson is the best" to get out of jail. I am just including some of my favorite pictures that show his imaginative personality.

I had ordered a cookie cake for Hudson since his birthday party wasn't for another week so Hadley and I left for a bit to go pick it up. It wasn't quite ready when we got there so Hadley was in luck and we did a little shopping for her while we were at the mall. When I came back Mama and Papa came over to help us sing happy birthday, open more presents from them, and eat some cake. He was so excited for us to sing to him but got a little shy when it started. He just looked like such a big boy waiting to blow out his candles!

After a full day of already celebrating we went to Hudson and Hadley's favorite restaurant, Chuck E Cheese! Ryans family and Mama and Papa joined us for some fun. The kids ate great and then played a couple hours of games. We ended up with loads of tickets and some pretty "wonderful" toys. Hudson told us several times that it was the very best day and was such a sweetheart all day. And Hadley could not have been a better sister. She knew the day was all about him and was sweet to let him do whatever he wanted. It was a fun day and we are looking forward to some more celebrating next weekend.

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