Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hadley's Egyptian Festival

Hadley had her Egyptian festival at school where they spent the entire morning discussing what they had been learning about Egypt. They went to each of the four 1st grade classrooms and had different activities in each one. In Hadley's classroom they dug for artifacts (or dug chocolate chips out of cookies). We were also able to get a class picture before moving on to the next class. 

In Mrs. Lewis' class they recited the 10 commandments and colored a picture of Jesus.

 In Mrs. Richards class they got to have Egyptian makeup put on their faces. Of course, this was Hadley's favorite classroom. It was even funny to see how 1st grade boys acted about getting make up. They all had fun but wanted to act like they were way too cool.

Hadley and Reese with their freshly applied make up.

In Mrs. Balan's class the kids learned a new song and then got to have a mummy wrapping contest. Some of the mummy's were so messy but William had four girls wrapping him and they did a pretty great job. I wish I could have gotten an after picture.

It was a pretty fun morning with Hadley at school. I am so thankful to have a part-time job where I don't have to miss out on these activities because these are some of my favorite days and memories!

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