Thursday, September 11, 2014

Gunner's 1st Birthday...and my 34th!

Now that I share a birthday with Gunner, I assume we will be combining some birthday celebrations on my side of the family. This year, in particular, was a big year for Gunner with him turning 1! Lisa's mom just got news that she has uterine cancer so planning a party for Gunner became a hard task for her to take on. We decided it would be a fun night to have the family over at our house where we would order Teds, have some cake, and watch Gunner open his presents. It ended up being a great night for the little guy. He had lots of visitors including all our family, his family, Mama and Papa, Ann and Rick, and Lolly and Pops. He was all smiles the entire night and after taking a little bit to get into it, he ended up loving his cake! Hudson just got SO excited to see icing all over Gunner's legs and kept asking why he was trying to paint his legs!

The day was pretty special for me as well. Hadley and Hudson were in school and though it was kind-of lonely around the house, I enjoyed resting and taking an easy day at home. Matt surprised me with a new camera and lens and I loved playing around with it and seeing what it could do. He is always so good at listening and noticing things I would love to have!  It was a great day with family and I am so very blessed... 

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