Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Edmond North Cheer camp

Hadley went to a cheer camp with a few of her best friends at Edmond North. She loved every minute of it and couldn't wait to go back each day. They had themes each day including Red, White, and Blue day, Beach Day, and on the final day they were to wear a tutu with the t-shirt provided. All the parents were invited to attend and we got to watch the cheer and dance that they learned. Each of the girls were able to do a stunt with the older girls lifting them up and Hadley did great! I think Hadley would have been in heaven had we enrolled her in a cheer camp every single week of the summer...

Brooklyn and Hadley:

Paris, Hadley, Brooklyn, and Maddy:

Hadley and Prestyn:

Performance day! Since I was working Hadley went over to Brooklyn's house before camp started at 2:00. They ate lunch and Brooklyn's aunt, Laney, got them all dressed and ready. Hadley loved wearing one of Brooklyn's tutus so they could match! Hadley was so excited that Matt and I were able to take off work early and come watch her. Mama and Papa came to watch her as well and she was all smiles when she saw us in the stands.

Hadley and her favorite cheer coach:

I was so proud when Hadley won TWO awards at camp! She was given "most flexible" and "best flyer." The look on face when she was called up to receive her awards was pure joy! And I was too busy clapping for her to hardly get a picture...but I at least got a picture of the awards.

Although you can't make out a single face, this is the picture of all the girls that attended the camp. So much fun and we can't wait to do it again!


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