Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July extras

Some more pictures of our July activities. 

Bored at dinner:

Poor little guy had some nasty virus in his eyes and he was miserable!

Matt had his member-guest golf tournament and asked Derek to play in it with him. They did great and had some pretty nice weather to play in. Each evening they got spoiled with dinners and boy stuff! On Friday and Saturday night they had a couples party where the wives were invited as well. We were only able to go on Friday night but we had a great time with Derek and Alicia. It is amazing how much the club provided for everyone!

A few lake pictures of Hudson playing with his remote control car. I am pretty impressed at how good he is driving it at not even 3 years old.

A pretty sunset at the lake!

While Matt was busy one evening I took the kids to dinner at Upper Crust with Mama and Papa. They were great entertainment for the kids and made the dinner so much more enjoyable. These kids sure do love their Mama and Papa!

Dressed and ready for Matt's 15 year high school reunion. It doesn't feel like we have already been out of highschool for that long!!!

At the zoo with Kristin while Hudson was in school:

We took Hudson's new go-kart out to a construction area behind our house. Hudson had a blast spinning mud everywhere can covering his body in mud splatter. Unfortunately, Matt says the car clean-up wasn't quite as fun!

Our old nanny, Sarah, babysat our neighbors the other night and Hadley was so excited to get to go over and see her. Sarah is doing great in Nursing school and it was fun to catch up with her.

Love the evenings with our little guy because its when we get our best cuddles!

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