Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hadley's first trip to the dentist

You wouldn't think that two dentists would wait until their daughter was 5 to finally have her come in and get xrays. But we did. Lesson learned. We should have gone earlier...

Hadley did great. Here she is getting her x-rays. She wasn't nervous at all, actually even excited.

And ready to get her teeth cleaned.

Hudson was more excited to see a Rapunzel poster on the wall. He kept hitting Hadley and then pointing at the wall for her to look.

Such a big girl, helping with the suction.

So unfortunately, the xrays came out and I quickly spotted 3 cavities!!! Two tiny ones and one really big one that I had suspected for a while. One of Hadley's back molars did not form correctly and is pretty much hollow inside. So looking at the tooth you would have no idea she even had a cavity. Since this appointment she has already had one fixed. Matt and I decided it would be better for us to not work on her and had one of our good friends treat her instead. She did great! Here is how our conversation went after the appointment:
Hadley: So there was this thing that felt like a shot, but it wasn't a shot. It kinda hurt like a shot but not real bad. But I know it wasn't a shot.
Me: Oh wow! What do you think it was?
Hadley: Well, its just a long story and I get tired when I tell long stories so don't worry about it.
Me: Ok. Do you want to go back and get the others fixed.
Hadley: Yeah! Because he didn't mean to hurt me and I don't want to have any more cavities.

She really is such a tough girl and rarely complains about anything!

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