Monday, August 27, 2012

Hadley's first ballet class

Hadley started her third year of dance and she couldn't wait for her first class. The first year was completely unstructured and a mess of half gymnastics, half ballet. She learned very little but had lots of fun. The second year we went to an actual dance studio, Studio J, where she decided she wanted to take hip hop. I loved watching her learn all sorts of moves and she always wanted to teach them to me. But when I asked her what, if anything, she wanted to do this year she told me that she has decided ballet is her favorite. So ballet it is. She is now in the 5 year old class which is much more stuctured, meaning they have to wear a particular outfit of pink tights, black leotard, pink ballet slippers, and no skirt. As much as Hadley loves to have fun and act silly she really likes structure too so I think this will be a good change for her. Here are a few pictures of Hadley before dance. She was almost too excited to sit for pictures and wasn't thrilled to sit through them!

Mommy's got lots of work to try and perfect the bun! With hair almost to her waist, it is not easy to get it all into a tight little bun. This will have to work for now...

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