Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sloan and Davis' visit

Drew and Padgett are remodeling their house and got to the point of tearing out their kitchen so we were lucky to have them come to Oklahoma for a little while. Actually, Drew, Padgett, and Ellis were only here about a week but then Sloan and Davis got to stay another couple weeks. Hadley loved having Sloan here and Hudson followed Davis around everywhere. We had lots of playdates, slumber parties, and swimming. 

Here a couple pictures from the lake after the 4th. We all spent the weekend there and the kids loved tubing, swimming, and playing in the sand. 

This picture isn't too clear but we ended up with four adults, 12 kids, and a giant tube all on one boat. There were actually 13 kids until I got too nervous and pulled Hudson off at the last minute. I just knew he would be the kid to go overboard!

Hudson and Kase on the Polaris

Hadley loves "driving" the boat!
Davis and his daddy.

Abby, E, and Sloan. I think Abby and Katie love the boat the most. They were so excited to ride around the lake and ride on the tube as well.


The first tubers giving us a thumbs up before starting. 

The same girls now tubing. Abby on the left, Lexi in the middle, Katie on the right.


Sloan and Hadley loved watching them.

Here is Hadley on the left, Drew and Davis in the middle, and Sloan on the right. 

Hadley was a little ragdoll and bounced all over the tube. She ended up with a little whiplash and didn't do a lot more tubing.

Sleepy girl fell asleep on the boat and stayed asleep while being carried all the way up the dock and into the house. She was exhausted.

Peyton and Hudson riding back from getting the boat off the trailer. Hudson loves his big cousin and Peyton is such a big helper!

The four girls in the bathtub and making bubble beards.

Swimming at the neighborhood is much more fun when we get to ride the golfcart to the pool. It was always the highlight of going to the pool.

Hudson and Davis eating animal crackers and watching the dogs play (and eat their dropped crackers).

We spent lots of time at Lolly and Pop's house. The kids played in the sprinklers, played chase, ate dinner and desserts...

...and had car races.

More pictures at our pool. Hudson and Davis loved playing with Hudson's cars in the water.

Driving Hadley's car in the neighborhood.

We got some new patio furniture and turned the boxes into a house for the kids. Here they are destroying the living room...

...and the cardboard house.
We loved having Sloan and Davis here for a couple weeks and even my Type A personality will miss the chaos! We are all looking forward to December when the whole family comes at Christmas...

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