Friday, July 27, 2012

Sick baby girl

Our sweet girl came stumbling into our room yesterday morning complaining that her head was hurting her really bad. The tears soon led to coughing which quickly led to throwing up... a lot. Poor girl got a pretty nasty stomach bug that had her throwing up every 30 minutes for about 6 hours and then about every hour after that for the rest of the 24 hour bug. It was scary enough for me that she couldn't keep a single thing down but even more scary that she was screaming and crying about how bad her head hurt and tylenol/ibuprofen didn't seem to even phase the constant headache. A call to our pediatrician reassured us that this bug had been associated with headaches and was spreading quickly in children. My mom came over to take care of Hadley so Hudson could get out of the house and stay away from the germs. She brought over some Sonic ice which tasted so good to Hadley and she slowly started keeping some fluids down. Hadley slept with me that night while Matt slept in her bed in hopes of us both not getting sick and at 10:00 the next morning she was back to her old self. I don't think I have ever gone a 24 hour period without hearing my favorite giggle in the world and it was so great to hear it again. 

Anyway, my point of this is not to re-live a brutal 24 hours but to show what a sensitive little brother Hudson can be. Hudson did NOT like that Hadley was sick. He wanted to lay on the pillow with her every minute. We finally decided that since they had been drinking from the same cup the night before it really wasn't going to make any difference if he were to lay with her so we let him. It seemed to be the only thing that brought a smile to Hadley's face. 

So happy to see this beautiful sunset and know that the day is over and soon she will feel better...hopefully.

Day 2, feeling better, and sharing popsicles. Probably not the best idea to share a popsicle so soon but the wonderful mom I am didn't even think about it until it was too late!

Peyton and Buck made Hadley a get well present that seemed to help. Here is the bag but she also got a new OSU headband and some cookies that were gobbled up pretty quickly. I definitely think we are on the mend.
*update- I am happy to report the virus spread no further and none of us got sick. Miracles do happen!

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