Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wedding Day!!!

The day is finally here for Ryan to marry Lisa! We decided to take it easy and get back to the hotel early so we could get everybody ready. We had been told about a family fun festival that was right beside the lodge so we decided to check it out. The girls had a lot of fun but lines were LONG! Here is a picture looking down on part of the festival.

Hadley really wanted to ride the mechanical bull but she was too short. She was not happy!

But at least she got to take her picture on it:

They had a little gymnastics area that the girls loved:
Such a gymnast:

Peyton was brave and climbed all the way to the top of the climbing wall:

So excited to see Tigger:
and Elmo:

CHEEKS! He is standing so well and taking one step but it looks like he is concentrating so hard on really taking off...

Hair is ready, flowers are in, and jewelry is on. She was so ready to go up the mountain on the gondola and put her dress on.
Beautiful curls!

She did not want to put her basket down the entire time:

These three girls thought Lisa was a real-life princess. She had three shadows and was so patient with them following her around. I love this picture of them watching her put on her make-up.

Peyton looked so beautiful. I think she was more excited for the wedding than anyone.

We had Hadley's dress made and I think it turned out so cute! Just a little stressful since it got finished only a few days before we left on the trip.

Our little man! For a baby that LOVES to be naked he really wasn't too fond of the layers of clothing we had on him. But he sure did look cute in his suit, tie, and converse!

We actually got them both to sit still long enough for a picture...and they both looked at the camera!

Peyton and her daddy:
So proud of how many family pictures we were able to accomplish on this trip.
Papa, Ryan, and Peyton:
Showing off her battle wound from the Alpine slide.

The wedding invitation. I loved all the orange and purple!

A view from the top of the mountain where they got married. Can't get more beautiful than this!

Hadley did such a perfect job walking down the aisle. I laughed because Hadley always walks slow and takes her time. The coordinator definitely didn't need to tell her to slow down.

Lisa's dad walking her down the aisle. Ryan was all tears at this point.

Such a wonderful ceremony:

After the ceremony the girls fought to get their picture taken with Hadley. Funny what a poofy, purple dress will do for you!

These girls, as well as all the other little ones, danced ALL night.

Tired of me taking pictures:
A pretty view of the mountain from inside the reception
First dance as Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Adams:
The girls, still thinking Lisa was a princess, lined up and watched the entire dance. I looked over one time and saw Peyton wipe tears from her eyes and give Ryan a thumbs up! What a sensitive heart...just like her daddy.
The moms:
Still dancing!

Erin and Tim will be getting married in three weeks. Our family is quickly growing!

10:00 and she is exhausted. She never left the dance floor one time and loved all the attention she got. I can say she definitely has more rhythm than I do!
One last kiss as the bubbles are blown and Ryan and Lisa leave the reception. What a fun wedding. Congratulations to Ryan, Lisa, and Peyton!

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