Monday, June 20, 2011

Day One in Steamboat

This is what we look like when we wake up after a LONG day of traveling. Poor girl was still exhausted!

And Hudson still has on his jacket after his 6am walk. Much better weather than the 100+ degree weather Oklahoma has right now.

A few pics of the beautiful town of Steamboat, Colorado. It was really nice to be there during the "off season" because nothing was very crowded.

Mama and Papa watched the kids so that a bunch of us could go white water rafting. Colorado is having some flooding right now so the water was high and the scenery was beautiful. We were supposed to be going on a Class II rapid but it ended up being a little more like floating down the river. Unfortunately, the wonderful sun went behind a big, dark cloud and we ended up rafting straight into a thunder, lightning, rain, and HAIL storm. And when you are wet with nothing on but a jacket and swim suit bottoms, the hail will sting your legs!

Our rafting group:

Ryan and Lisa inside the Bucking Rainbow where we signed up for rafting:

Matt and I also insided the Bucking Rainbow:

The group before getting on the water:

Our guide was awesome. I felt so sorry for him paddling in the hail and freezing rain!

Rafting into a thunderstorm!

After white water rafting we decided to warm up by going back to the hotel and climbing in the hot tub...much better!
That evening Lisa's fabulous friends (Chaney, Amy, Erin, and Tammy) threw Ryan and Lisa a party at La Cantina. They had the most wonderful Mexican food and lots of it! Everybody had such a great time and it was fun to see how many people would come to a destination wedding to celebrate Ryan and Lisa.

Mama, Erin, and Hudson

Peyton and Erin

Daddy and Hudson before dinner

Mommy and Hudson before dinner

A family pic. We get very few of these where we are all looking.

Mama and Papa

Pops and Hudson

After dinner, the little girls were getting a little anxious to get out of the restaurant so we found a little ice cream shop across the street called Chocolate Soup. The girls loved eating their ice cream and sitting at their own table.

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