Monday, May 2, 2011

Hudson is 8 months old!

Our sweet baby boy is 8 months old and growing up too fast!!! I feel like this is the first chair picture we have taken that makes him look more like a toddler and less like a baby. This past month has probably been my favorite yet and we have loved watching his personality develop. He loves to cuddle and hug your neck, smiles at EVERYONE, and laughs at just about anything his sister does (other than when she tries to pick him up). He has such a sweet demeanor and is getting happier by the day as he is much more able to accomplish what he is wanting to do. We have been blessed with a sick-free month and only lost a little bit of sleep because of vacations and what we believe to be his next round of teeth. Hadley is still the sweetest big sister to him and helps us so much but is showing a little bit of frustration at his attempt to play with ALL her toys (even though she loves to pretend she is a baby and play with his too). We have had a couple cool weeks but look forward to spending more time outside again! He is still a skinny guy but has really gotten the hang of babyfood so I expect a little jump soon. He loves to eat ANYTHING and really just wants to drink out of Hadley's sippy cup.

About 17 lbs. Still in the 10th percentile.

Now that he has mastered pulling up, Hudson is trying so hard to stand on his own. We can let go of his hands and he may last a couple seconds but then falls to his bottom. He is also cruising around all the furniture that has ended in quite a few bruises on the forehead. Here is a picture of him holding onto the toy and trying to get his balance:

Hudson still LOVES the dogs. Poor Bauer gets tortured daily but I think he may actually like the extra attention. Most of the time when we get Hudson out of the crib in the morning the dogs will follow us into his room. When he sees them he smiles so big and fights to get down and play.

Our big boy in his shirt and faux-tie. He would ride in this car all day if we had the energy to push him that long:

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