Friday, February 4, 2011

A good report

Today we had Hudson's 3 month follow-up appointment with his pediatric urologist. We had a great night of him sleeping 14 hours straight and he woke up rested and ready for an entire morning (so we thought) at Childrens Hospital. Oh, and add to that an extra hour of driving since I was a little bit paranoid to drive on ice with my baby. Thankfully, my mom went with me to make the morning a little easier.

So I dressed him in his tough-guy skulls and crossbones outfit to remind him to be a big boy during his appointment. We arrived at Childrens and they immediately got him back for his ultrasound. The ultrasound was to check the left kidney (the non-functioning kidney) and make sure it was shrinking or had stayed the same size and to check the right kidney to make sure it was growing. He did so great during the ultrasound and only cried when he got irritated with having to be still. Then we only had to wait 30 min for the Dr to come in. Needless to say, I made a much bigger deal out of this appointment than was necessary. We were actually only at Childrens from 9-11.

Here is the gist of what the urologist told us:
-Hudson's left kidney has shrunk down significantly to only about 2cm by 2cm. The right kidney is growing wonderfully. At one point we were told he would have to be seen every 3 months for the first year. However, now we don't have to go back for a year!!! We obviously have an overachiever...

Thank God for answered prayers!

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