Saturday, April 8, 2017

Encore Dance competition and an Easter egg hunt

We had a big weekend planned. It worked out that this weekend would be the one that worked best for Mama and Papa's annual egg hunt at the lake. It also fell that it was Hadley's last dance competition of the season. Thankfully, it worked out great. Hadley danced at 10am with awards at noon. The egg hunt was planned for 2:00 and with the competition at Rose State (on the way to the lake) it would actually get us there before everyone else. 

The Starz had another great competition. They placed 2nd overall in Jazz and received Platinum as a group. They were really proud to finish on such a high note. We danced against Kim Massay so it was fun for Hadley to see so many other dancers that she knows. Kaitlyn was there watching her little sister and so she watched Hadley dance and we got a picture with her. 

When Hadley got off stage she had a crew waiting for her....Erin, Jake, Pops, and Lolly all came to watch her dance on their way to the lake for the egg hunt. Jake had no idea what to think of all these girls in costumes!

Hadley and I waited until after awards and then headed to the lake. Hudson and Matt were still at home and planned on meeting us there after the dogs had been out for a while.

It was so fun to have Hadley there with me by myself for a couple hours. We laid on the couch for a bit and watched tv, we played some games, and then she helped me set out the Easter eggs so none of the kids would see where we put them. She thought it was pretty awesome to be part of the secret of setting out the eggs. She was such a big help....there were about 500 eggs!

Everyone is here! We have missed hanging out at the lake. The kids had so much fun playing together and being wild as always. We ate lunch and it was a quick was impossible to hold them off any longer! The kids really wanted to hunt their eggs!

After about 3 years of crummy egg-hunting weather, we had a perfect day. Just slightly chilly, no wind, and so much sun. This does mean we found lots of eggs with melted chocolate but I would take that over cold and rain. Here are just lots of pictures from the day....and a little recap.

Hudson is at the perfect age for egg-hunting. He puts his whole heart into it and runs around as fast as he can scooping up eggs! He gets frustrated if someone beats him to an egg and he smiles so big when he finds a stash no once else has seen yet. It is fun to see him getting so excited. Hadley is slowly outgrowing the need to get as many eggs as possible and she spends more time making sure the little ones got enough eggs. She was so cute to point out eggs to Jake and Gunner and she made sure everyones baskets looked filled with about the same number of eggs. She just doesn't have much a competitive nature!

After the egg hunt the kids played in the rocks, sand, water, rode the four-wheelers, and played on the swing set. A fun day of sunshine and family. So much to be thankful for!

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