Friday, February 10, 2017

Winter break, build-a-bear, and a little sickness

Each year we have a winter break in February. I think its for a teacher inservice day but either way, its fun to have a Friday and Monday off school. The kids had big plans for our winter break. Hadley had gotten a gift card to Build-a-Bear and she really wanted to share it with Hudson so they could both get a new stuffed animal. I thought it was so sweet for her to want to share it when she could have chosen to get so much more on her own. Next we had planned to meet the Bakers at the Lego Batman movie. We bought tickets ahead of time to make sure and get seats and we were all excited for a fun day....but then...

We started off at Build-A-Bear and the kids each picked out a stuffed animal. Hadley picked a bear and Hudson picked a two-headed dragon. Within minutes Hadley started acting funny. She said her head was hurting really bad. She gets headaches often so I told her to sit down and rest. She did for a minute and then we finished up our shopping for clothes. They moved on to the stuffing and I noticed Hadley was so pale! She was going downhill fast and before we even finished she said, "mommy, I'm about to throw up!" I told the guy we would be right back and the three of us RAN to the bathroom. She made it to the bathroom stall and was dripping sweat. Poor girl laid on the bathroom floor because she was so weak. I was at a loss for what to do. We had movie tickets, I hated to make Hudson miss it, I didn't know how I would get Hadley to the car, how we would go pay for the bears...etc. Thankfully, she did not throw up and ended up feeling well enough to walk to the car. I had the kids sit in the food court while I ran to build-a-bear and bought our bears. We sat in the food court and Hadley drank a sprite and we waited for Sarah to get back so we Hudson could stay with them and go to the movie. After we got Hudson dropped off Hadley and I walked to the car and headed home. She fell asleep in the car, I walked in and made her a bed on the couch, and she fell asleep for 4 more hours on the couch. I have NO idea what she possibly had but I guess a little rest cured it because she woke up feeling great. It was a huge bummer that her Friday was ruined but we were all just so thankful that it ended there and didn't mess up our plans for the rest of our vacation weekend!

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