Wednesday, May 20, 2015

M&M Olympics

Hudson started gymnastics a few months back and has LOVED it! He has done really well and they actually moved him up to an older class because he had progressed so quickly. He just has that gymnast body of being strong and thin which makes him more able to do a lot of the strength exercises. He has been really excited about his M&M Olympics coming up. This is an event his gym has every May that shows the family members the skills the kids have been working on. He has talked about it for weeks and was so excited the day of. Matt and I each took off work to go watch him and he was all smiles when he saw us walk into the gym!

These are a few pictures (most of it is on video) of the many events they showed us. He was so proud!

So proud of our little monkey! His confidence level has skyrocketed and he is doing things we never thought we would see him do. He is such a joy to watch!

I found this older picture of Hadley when she had her M&M Olympics. She was almost 4 where Hudson is 4.5 but such a cute comparison of them at almost the same age. I will never forget that picture of Hadley (and its one of Matt's favorites) because Hadley was so shy at that age and we weren't even sure she would go up there. Instead she bounced up the steps, got to the top, and proudly showed off her trophy. So precious of both kids!

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