Thursday, December 11, 2014

Crossings Christmas Programs

Hadley and Hudson each had their Christmas programs this week and though it was Hadley's 3rd, it was Hudson 1st. Hadley's program was for the pre-k through 4th graders in the Sanctuary at Crossings. Since Hudson is only in preschool his was on Tuesday in the library at the school. Its a much smaller setting to get the kids ready for the larger program next year.  We were so anxious to see how Hudson would do and he definitely didn't let us down! Hudson woke up Tuesday morning so excited that we were all coming to watch him sing. He told me he knew all the songs but didn't want to sing them for me early. He couldn't wait to get his hair fixed, dress shirt picked out, and bow tie on. That's an entirely different story but this kid loves to dress up lately. He is always excited to wear a tie, bow tie, or sport jacket. We made it to school a little early, dropped Hudson off in his class, and got a seat in the library. I was able to check Hadley out of class so that she could come watch her brother sing as well.

As Hudson walked into the library he spotted mommy, daddy, Hadley, Mama and Papa and a huge smile came across his face. He could not quit grinning and waving to us. And I couldn't get over how precious he looked all dressed up and happy to be there. We watched all the kids take their spots and the music director didn't waste anytime praying and getting started so we didn't lose any kids attention!

Hudson sang 8 songs and did so wonderul in all of them! He sang his heart out, we could hear his little voice the entire time, and he knew all the hand motions. I was such a proud mom but love, most of all, that he is so very happy up there. He loves his school, loves his friends, and loves learning about God.

Congratulating brother on a great performance! It was a fun morning and time to get Hadley back to class and we had to get to work. Can't wait to see Hadley's program on Thursday night.

Hadley's program is a little more of an organized, larger program with many more kids. There are actual speaking parts the older kids audition for and it is much longer. Hadley got a new Christmas dress to wear and was happy to put it on and get ready for her program as soon as we got home from school.

Before the program with her friend Riley from class. I can't even describe how chaotic is was getting a seat for this program. I got there early because I am that mom that couldn't handle not being able to see Hadley sing. As I am walking down the aisle with Hudson on my hip I literally got knocked over by a mom that was much more determined to get a seat than me! So we made our way around to a different area and I thought I had a pretty decent seat. Then the kids came out and I quickly realized I had many heads directly in my view. Thankfully, though I don't have a bunch of great pictures, Matt was able to get some great video by standing in the back. 


Hadley did such an amazing job singing, once again. She has always been so animated in programs and loves to sing as loud as she can. She has such a sweet voice that it so easy for me to pick out. She smiled the entire time and knew all the hand motions. She is growing up so fast and it is crazy to look up there and see my 7 year old daughter in school and singing with all her schoolmates. I am just so proud of her. And the program was awesome! It was very entertaining and the songs were great. Each year has seemed to get better and better.

This is Hudson's friend, Matthew, from school. Somehow, Hudson has a way with all the older kids at school. It is hilarious how I will walk down the hall with him and older girls will hold his hand, give him hugs, make a big deal over him. He just smiles and blushes but loves the attention! At football games he will run off with the big kids and we always find him in the big field being carried around by bigger girls or wrestling with the older boys.  Matthew talks to Hudson every day after school and is so sweet to him. He makes Hudson feel like a big kid and Hudson thinks he is just the coolest kid on the planet.

Both programs were a success!  We couldn't be more proud of both of our kids!

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