Sunday, December 21, 2014

Chuck E Cheese before Christmas

Matt went to the OSU basketball game today and the kids and I had no big plans for the day. Hadley suggested Chuck E Cheese and I agreed it would make for a fun afternoon. Plus, Charlotte was planning on coming over that evening to spend the night and it would keep Hadley from asking "how much longer?" a million times! We picked the perfect day. I guess nobody else had plans of Chuck E Cheese on the Sunday before Christmas because it was EMPTY! There were only two other families there the entire time we were eating and playing. We had a blast...the kids ate all their pizza and each played about every game in the entire place. Hudson and Hadley both showed off their basketball skills which I got on video. They danced with Chuck E. and collected as many tickets as possible. There was a point at the end where Chuck E was tossing out tickets to the kids and there was a little boy that didn't get very many. Hudson and Hadley each took some tickets from their own stack (totally unprompted) and gave them to the little boy. I stood their so proud and with the biggest smile on my face. We finally wore ourselves out and were ready to cash in our tickets. All that hard work earned them each a laffy taffy, a pencil, and a bracelet....but well worth the fun!

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