Friday, July 11, 2014

Kankakuk Kampout

Hadley just finished her second year of Kanakuk Kampout and had just as much fun as last year. She was so excited to go and was even more excited that she would have so many friends joining her this year. On our first day we ran into Peyton and Holland at dropoff. We got a picture in front of the sign and Hudson thought he was going along as well. It came as quite a shock when he had to go back home instead. We took a couple pictures inside of the girls with their "tent" and then left them for a fun day!

Sweet friends at the end of the first day: Brooklyn, Holland, Prestyn, Morgan, and Hadley

On Thursday after camp all the cousins that were in town got to have a slumber party at Rebecca's house. That's a lot of girls in one house: Rebecca, Hadley, Abby, Katie, Sloan, Kellen, Kinley, and Lexi. They did crafts in the evening, had pancakes for breakfast, and actually all made it to camp on time in the morning!

On the last day of camp, Kanakuk present awards and showed the families a quick glimpse of what they had done for the week. They sang all the songs they had learned and watching them all dance around confirmed why Hadley was so tired at the end of each day!

Hadley with her "tent mates" and Hadley with her counselor that she loved!

Hadley was given the four square life award which is giving to the person that is well-rounded in four areas: wisdom, physical, spiritual, and social. Her counselor also gave her the award for being so good-natured and flexible. She said plans change a lot during camp and Hadley was always great to go with the flow and never complained at all! That is pretty much how she is with life in general. She is such an easy-going kid!

To celebrate a fun week, the Florida kids last day, and Amy's upcoming birthday we went to Shogun's. Such a yummy dinner and surprisingly all the kids did great....especially considering we had all the kids at one table and all the adults at another! We are so sad to see everyone go but also glad to finally get back into a little bit of a routine.

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