Monday, February 25, 2013

Playdate with friends.

Hadley's friend, Ashlyn, had us over for a playdate today which was a perfect reason to get out of the house since a "blizzard" would be coming about 3:00pm. Thanfully the blizzard fizzled out on us but we had a great time playing all morning long. There were nine kids with one more arriving shortly. I was pretty amazed at how well all the big kids got along and worked out any little argument they did have. I was also worried about taking Hudson along to his first playdate because of his massive 2 year old tantrums but he did so great. He actually shared, played with the other kids, and only had one meltdown which was quickly stopped by some treats. The moms had a great time talking and so I managed to only get a few pictures but here are some pictures of all the chaos:

Lunchtime picnic:

The Beasley's are in the middle of a remodel and I am so impressed that she even wanted to deal with having everyone over. Here are the kids making a huge mess in their playroom. They all lined up and were taking turns on Ashlyn's drumset. This first picture is of Hadley telling Hudson he could take her place in line so he didn't have to wait so long. I loved seeing that she is just as sweet in front of her friends as she is at home!

I think Hudson may need a drumset for his next birthday! He loved it but Mommy and Daddy are just trying to decide if that would really be the best decision...

We knew it was time to go home when a few of the girls climbed in bed and decided they were ready to rest. Hadley and Hudson didn't put up a fight to leave and we made it home right before the sleet came through. We had such a good time and are excited to have everyone over to our house soon!

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