Friday, February 8, 2013

Bingo night

Crossings had their annual preschool/lower school bingo night tonight and we decided it would be a fun way for us to meet some other parents and for Hadley to get to play with some of her friends. Each person got two bingo cards and then you chose a table to sit at. They had pizza, plates of oreo cookies, and coloring sheets for the kids in the center of each table. We at least convinced Hadley to eat one slice of pizza but unfortunately, Hudson had none of it once he spotted the Oreos. Here are some pictures right before starting Bingo and while we tried to explain to Hadley exactly how to play. 

Miss Priss being silly when I asked her to look at me and smile. 

And this is what our table ended up looking like. Matt and I tried to look over all the cards while Hadley and Hudson began running around the room and playing with all the other kids. I am sure we missed a Bingo somewhere in there. Matt did finally get a Bingo and Hadley was so excited to go up and pick her prize. And instead of a toy, she picked out a Chick-fil-A gift card. That's my girl!

Like I said, we lost the attention of the kids pretty quickly and a group of them decided to start a game of duck, duck, goose instead. As soon as Hudson noticed he was missing out on something he jumped down from my lap and plopped down right beside his sister. He, of course, had no idea how to play the game and would just get up and start running with whoever was picked. He thought he was such a big boy!

So Matt and I sat at our table and thought all was well until I hear a kid crying. Though it was not my kid I had no doubt that my kid was somehow involved. As I am looking over at Hudson I see another little boy pointing at him, running to his mom, and screaming, "He bit me!" I KNEW I should not have let him play without being right by his side and the biting is definitely wearing us out. Hadley did tell me the kid hit Hudson first but I would much rather him hit than bite! We decided it was time to make our exit and the kids were pretty exhausted as well. We had a great time and look forward to Bingo night next year....when Hudson will surely be out of his biting phase!

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