Friday, February 1, 2013

Monkey see, Monkey do

Hadley has never been much of a game player. She doesn't ever want to play on our phones, play video games, etc. She does love to read books and watch some movies. A couple weeks ago while I was watching her at cheerleading I saw a little girl playing on her moms phone and I asked which app it was. The mom told me it was called "Teach me: Kindergarten." It seemed really good so I bought it and showed it to Hadley. She LOVES it. It has all kinds of rewards for getting the right answer and she has literally learned so, so much from playing it. She has started sounding out words, trying to spell them, going in the other room to write us letters, and she is constantly asking me how to spell specific words. I was putting up laundry today and Hadley asked if she could play her game. She got down on the floor and Hudson, who was on my heels as always, looked over and quickly decided he wanted to be like his big sister. He looked around my room, spotted my daily devotional book, and plopped down on the floor right by his sister. After finishing hanging up my clothes I grabbed my camera and took some pretty cute pictures of them being so sweet and quiet...

When Hudson realized none of the pages had pictures and it wasn't fun to pretend to be reading anymore, he shimmied over to Hadley to see if he could join in on the game. She was her typical mothering self and couldn't wait to teach him how to play. She would say, "No, Hudson. Think about it. What letter makes that sound?" When he would just happen to pick the right letter she would get so excited for him and tell him he was such a big boy. He has no idea how lucky he is to have her as a big sister!

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