Friday, February 8, 2013

Hadley's latest artwork

Since we have a little artist on our hands that wants to color and draw ALL THE TIME, I thought I would take some pictures and post some of my latest favorites.

A rainbow heart: We had a huge debate on whether orange or yellow came first and she just wouldn't believe me. I told her it really didn't matter and she could color her rainbows however she would like. Later that day we were reading a book that had a rainbow drawn in it and she said, "Oh man!!! I was wrong!" I am still pretty impressed that she knows all the colors of the rainbow and in pretty much the right order.

I was putting some stuff away in the kids rooms and Hadley was coloring in our office. When I came downstairs Hadley handed me these three notes. This little girl is constantly telling us how much she loves us and it makes my heart melt every single time!

Hadley made this melted snowman at school the other day and I thought this little poem that went with the picture was so cute.

While daddy was at work Hadley colored this picture of each of them at the park. I love Matt's spikey hair! She then put it on his nightstand so that he would see it when he was climbing in bed. However, she got a little too anxious when he got home and decided to go get it and give it to him early.

Another love note and she seems to be getting the spelling down a little more...

Hadley has always been pretty good at coloring in the lines but I was amazed at how good she was with even painting in the lines which seems much harder to me.

In school the kids were give a cutout of a hat and they were to color it and then draw a picture of who would wear their hat. I just though it was funny that Hadley said a baby puppy and a mommy would wear her hat.

Hadley made this for our neighbors. They have a trampoline and even though they are 2 and 5 years older than her they always ask her to come jump with them (which makes her day). She wanted to color them a picture of their trampoline and before she gave it away I snapped a quick picture.

And finally, one of my favorites. For Christmas Hadley got a thumbprint kit where it has several colors of thumb pads and a book of instructions on how to draw the animals. She made this picture all by herself of a dinosaur in the dirt with birds in the sky. She then came up with her own saying and had Kristin help her spell it. It says "Thumbody loves you!"

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