Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lunch with Hadley

For some strange reason Hadley has not coped extremely well with the few changes that have taken place all at the same time. We went from having a fairly relaxing summer to a new nanny, a new school, a new gymnastics class, and a new FULL schedule. I feel like we are always on the go and although she insists on it the majority of the time, she is just a little worn out and still learning how to make it through a full day of school. It doesn't help that no matter what time she goes to bed this little girl is bright eyed at 6:30 or before every single morning.

So I thought it would help if I spent some time with Hadley and ate lunch with her. We both loved it! I picked up Chick-fil-A and got to sit at her lunchtable with her friends. I am not sure I have ever laughed so hard. 5 year old humor is HILARIOUS! I am so happy I got to spend some time with Hadley and she was really proud to show me all the projects she has done, introduce me to all her friends, and drag me around to her different stations. There were a few tears when I left but I am hoping this helped a little bit.

Sidenote: Hadley LOVES school and LOVES her teachers. She is instantly better the moment I am out of sight, it is just the drop-off and goodbye that gets her teary. I absolutely love that Hadley's teacher is so wonderful to send me notes and pictures of Hadley playing to reassure me that she is having a great time!


  1. You are SO good at keeping your blog updated! I love reading all your posts :) Happy to hear Bauer and Hudson are better

  2. Thanks, Kelsey. You are too!!! I sometimes get soooo tired of keeping up with it but have to remind myself how much I will love it someday!
