Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Hudson!!!

Oh, Hudson Jake! How could we possibly love you any more?

I cannot believe you came into our lives two years ago and are growing so fast. You have brought so much joy and laughter to our lives. I can easily say the last couple months of your second year of life has brought about the most significant change. You still have your incredible strong will but mommy and daddy are slowly starting to figure out more and more ways to redirect that strong will and find something else that makes you tick instead. You are still a quiet one with words but loud with your voice in otherways. You are only saying a few words but manage to get by with pointing, doing it yourself, or having your sister figure out exactly what you want. Your laughter is so contagious. You are such a happy little guy and are most definitely going to be the class clown.


 But despite your outgoing personality, your are such a lovebug! You give spontaneous kisses and hugs to just about anybody and you are thrilled when we sit on the couch with you and watch tv with you posted up on our laps. You love to give "monster hugs" where you wrap your arms around are neck and squeeze as hard as you can. 

You are your sisters biggest fan and her little shadow. You mimick every single thing she does and look for her first thing when you wake up in the morning and from naps. She absolutely adores you too. In fact, we sometimes will ask Hadley to do something we want you to do just because we know its the sure way of getting you to happily listen to us. 

You have an incredible love for cars and anything with wheels. You want to push trains, cars, and toys all through the house and they often end up in bed with you. You love to sit in our car and play with all the controls. And even though we don't get many words yet, you've got many of your car noises down as you crash them into walls and each other. 

You are such a quick learner and I really think you will be a very coordinated kid. You are fast. You are incredible at driving your battery-powered cars. And you already love to play catch. Daddy is getting pretty excited to get you out on the golf course soon!

And you most definitely LOVE  TV!!! Sometimes the only way we can get you out of your stubborn fits is to ask you if you want to watch a movie. Right now your favorite movies are Monster's INC., Cars, Lorax, and Beauty and the Beast. If you want to watch Beauty and the Beast or Monster you growl really loud and then we have to guess which one until you say "YES!"

You are absolutely the BEST sleeper around! You typically sleep from about 8:30 at night to 9 in the morning and sometimes as late as 10:30. Then you will usually take a nap from about 2-5. Most often we have to wake you up! Daddy claims you got his sleep habits because your sister is always walking into our room at the crack of dawn like me. You have blanket you love to sleep with as well as your Thomas the Train pillow and then whatever other toys you pick for that particular nap.

 I am just so excited to see what God has in store for your smart mind and tender heart! We are crazy in love with you and so thankful that God has given us such an incredible gift of being your parents.

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