Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day at the lake

We went to the lake Saturday to enjoy some warm weather and, unfortunately, a LOT of wind! So windy that it felt like we were getting rained on when we were in the boat but still alot of fun. Katie and Abby were in town from Ft. Worth so in all we had Hadley, Hudson, Peyton, Lexi, Jase, Abby, Katie, Emma, and Kade running back and forth between the two lake houses all day.

Here is a picture during "rest" time. After playing all morning we decided to make all the kids rest for about an hour. Obviously, this lasted about five minutes instead before Peyton and Hadley decided they needed to have a jumping contest to see who could jump the furthest off the fireplace.

Hadley says, "Ready, Setty, Go!"

Hudson wanted to join in on the fun as well. I am pretty sure he thought he was jumping the furthest!

"Watch, Mommy"

Waiting for Mama to say, "Go!"

"I'm the winner!!!"

Daddy surprised Hudson with a new battery-powered four-wheeler and we have been amazed at how well he drives it and maneuvers it on and off the sidewalks in the neighborhood. We took it to the lake and he loved keeping up with the big kids!

Hadley driving Emma's four-wheeler.

Hudson was quick to decide that he needed to move on to bigger and better things...

Needing to take a break with his sun-burned daddy.

Snacks at the lake include Diet Coke and Reese's pieces, eaten from a tea party set.

Digging for seashells:

Katie, Lexi, and Hadley playing on the swingset:

Katie, Lexi, Hadley, Peyton, and Abby:

Hudson is going through a MAJOR mommy attachment. Thankfully, the lake gives me a little rest and Hudson doesn't seem to be on my hip as much. He is just too busy running around, digging in dirt, and playing with new toys. However, this is one of those moments he saw me standing a little too far away:

Helping Daddy drive the boat:

All the kids playing "captain" of the boat (with E making sure no one went overboard)!

Hudson loved sitting on this chair and watching the waves out the back of the boat.

The are the memories we will cherish the rest of our lives!!!

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