Friday, October 28, 2011

Over this!

Poor guy is sick again. It's only the second time, but the first one took so long to diagnose that is seems like he has been sick a lot.

Hudson woke up with a fever on Tuesday. A little higher on Wednesday. And by Wednesday night it got up to 105.4! Hadley has maybe had a fever twice in her life so I panicked just a little. Then we read on the internet that it is not that uncommon for a toddler to have a fever just under 106 so we gave him some medicine and watched it slowly come down. We stayed on top of the ibuprofen and tylenol so it never got that high again but we continued to have fever for two more days. Strangest thing is that, like last time, he had NO other symptoms. No runny nose, no cough, no stomach issues. Unfortunately, the above picture was not typical. We don't have the kid that rests and is lethargic when he doesn't feel well. Instead, he was just extremely fussy! Wanted up, wanted down, cried because he was hungry but wouldn't eat. My mom was a complete lifesaver and rescued Hadley from the germy house to go spend the day with her on Thursday. They baked brownies, read lots of books, and played pretend. It was definitely some attention Hadley needed. Thank goodness we are over this virus, our happy baby is back, and we will have to just wait and see what another day at Mother's Day Out brings us on Monday. Odds are we will have a few more of these episodes before the winter is over!

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