Friday, August 11, 2017

Wakeboarding camp

Kristin told us about a wake boarding camp she was signing Story up for and we decided to do it as well. You have to be 7 so Hudson was just shy of being able to go but he was happy to just go along and watch. Peyton did the camp as well but only had to miss the first day. I was off work on Monday so it was fun getting to take Hadley to camp the first day and get to see what it was like. She was pretty nervous but excited to be getting to do it with Story. 

All suited up and ready to go!

Hudson and Teddy watching the big girls. Hudson was pretty sad to not get to participate....

...and quickly got really bored as well!

After about 45 minutes of just watching, Hudson was pretty convinced he could do it as well. He begged me to ask the instructors who decided they would make an exception for him. They even let him do it for free the first day to make sure he enjoyed it.

I was really impressed with how hard this kid tried. And it was hard work! After you fell off the pully you had to swim with our board all the way to the ramp, climb up, and carry your board up a hill to the entrance of the pully system again. That's really hard for a 6 year old and he never one time fact, he had a big smile on his face the entire time. As always, he won over the instructors hearts and they wanted him to get it SO bad. They were his biggest cheerleaders! He took some hard falls but was so determined the entire time.

I was equally proud of Hadley. She took some hard falls as well and never gave up. She had a few tears but would always try again. She had the best attitude and had a lot of fun. She would laugh at herself when she had some big falls and rarely did she take a break. It truly is one of Hadley's best attributes...she ALWAYS has the best attitude!

Neither of the kids had the most successful camp. Although, Peyton picked it up really fast and did great. They had fun, got to spend lots of time in the water, and made lots of progress. But they never did completely master wake boarding. I'm anxious to see if it helps when we try it out at the lake. I'm just proud of them for wanting to try something new and being so determined.

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